Rachel Reilly

Rachel Reilly

Project Manager
Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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Work Experience

Stark / Raving Branding + Digital Marketing

Project Manager

2022-09-01 - Present

House of Ivy Salon & Spa

Social Media & Marketing Manager

2020-05-01 - Present

House of Ivy

Meditation Coach

2019-10-01 - Present

C2 Pilates

Fitness Instructor

2013-11-01 - Present

Boston College High School


2015-08-01 - 2019-06-01

Londonderry Middle School

World Language Teacher

2009-02-01 - 2009-06-01


patient recruitment patient retention patient engagement site engagement creative services translations printing global distributions patientfacing websites hcpfacing websites video production global media referral management reporting study toolkits study branding patient advocacy strategy prescreeners clinical trials project management


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