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Olivia Orsino

With a passion for non-profit and health related companies impact, I have had the chance to find my...
Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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Work Experience

Browne Consulting

People Operations Generalist

2023-02-01 00:00:00 - Present


Human Resources Generalist

2020-08-01 00:00:00 - 2023-02-01 00:00:00

Earls Kitchen Bar


2018-03-01 00:00:00 - 2020-08-01 00:00:00

Rani Wise Consulting

Digital Marketing Coordinator

2019-09-01 00:00:00 - 2019-12-01 00:00:00

Arbella Insurance

Human Resources Intern

2019-06-01 00:00:00 - 2019-09-01 00:00:00

United Way

Event Planning Intern

2019-01-01 00:00:00 - 2019-05-01 00:00:00

Memorial Hospital North Conway Nh

Human Resources Intern

2018-12-01 00:00:00 - 2019-01-01 00:00:00

The Club At Christmas Mountain

Office Administrator

2016-06-01 00:00:00 - 2018-11-01 00:00:00

Merge Boston

Media and Social Intern

2018-06-01 00:00:00 - 2018-08-01 00:00:00

Womens Lunch Place

Development Intern

2017-09-01 00:00:00 - 2018-01-01 00:00:00

Memorial Hospital

Human Resources

2015-12-01 00:00:00 - 2016-02-01 00:00:00


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