Matthew Tsurumoto

Matthew Tsurumoto

Contracted Athletic Trainer
Sebastopol, California, United States

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Work Experience

Santa Rosa City Schools


2018-08-01 - Present

Stanford University

Contracted Athletic Trainer

2015-06-01 - Present

Dominican University of California

Contracted Athletic Trainer

2013-01-01 - Present

Cal Maritime

Contracted Athletic Trainer

2012-01-01 - Present

Sonoma State University

Contracted Athletic Trainer

2012-01-01 - Present

Santa Rosa High School

Head Athletic Trainer

2014-08-01 - 2018-08-01

Sonoma Academy

Athletic Trainer

2012-03-01 - 2014-08-01

Back to Golf Physical Therapy and Sports Performance

Physical Therapy Aide

2007-02-01 - 2013-09-01


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